Technical aids in the bedroom and bathroom (French only)-002E
Adjustment walker and cane (French only)-102E
Adjustments and possible use of a cane-088E
Parking for people with reduced mobility-067E
Parking for people with reduced mobility-103E
Parking for people with reduced mobility-104E
Maintaining Seniors’ Independence Through Home AdaptationsA – SELF-ASSESSMENT GUIDE-064E
Find a CLSC-059E
Possible home adaptations when a SAAQ client-065E
Preventing Falls on Stairs-066E
Accessibility – On roule-068E
Accessibility – Planat – Access Matters. (more than 800 places listed in Montreal)-069E
Accessibility – Interactive applications of CRLB-Virtuel-070E
Accessibility – Keroul-071E
Accessibility- Jaccede (Montreal)-072E